Consistency is Key!

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5 Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a positive daily routine is a great way to help establish a healthy and active lifestyle. Being consistent with good choices will eventually develop into habits, which in turn allows these at-first challenging feats to become second nature. Now, when I say “5 steps,” these are basic daily tasks that we can do to encourage a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.

  1. Focus more on eating whole foods, and less on not eating processed foods
  2. Sleep an average of 7+ hours per night
  3. Drink 2L of water per day
  4. Move your body for 30mins each day
  5. Limit alcohol intake

At the end of the day, we want to avoid things such as fad diets, fast weight-loss programs, bingeing, etc., and focus on what is most important: consistency. Faithfully following these steps will promote better choices, and will in turn translate to a healthier, more functional future.